FOR MOSCOW, NEW INFORMATION CONCERNING THE IRAQI WEAPONS IS A HANDLING MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres A qualifies " handling of the facts " information publiees by the English daily newspaper " Financial Times " according to which the Commission of observation of UNO (UNSCOM) in Iraq would have finds evidence complementary confirming that Baghdad possedait massive weapons of extermination (AEM) and their vectors. In same time, the department of information and press of the ministry pointed out that the newspaper would be remade has a session of the office of the held UNSCOM has on closed doors February 21-23 has Vienna and who would have almost enterine the list presentee by the experts and concerning work has to still realize in direction of Iraq. According to the ministry, the political objective of this publication is " to confirm " the existence of a military danger emanating from Baghdad and to justify the position of the United States and Great Britain in favour of the maintenance of the sanctions antiirakiennes. The session of Vienna of UNSCOM A indeed examines the list of the " white spots " presentee by the experts as regards destruction of the Iraqi AEM, A indicates the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. However this list is fondee on documents of files. Indeed, after the departure of Iraq, decide unilateralement, of the inspectors onusiens and the military operation americano-British " Fox of the desert ", the international monitoring is not any more carries out in Iraq and no reliable information on this theme comes this country. " the members of the office of the UNSCOM not only do not have adopts the studies subjected by the experts but they have critical the latter for their way of considering the things destinee at the bottom has to make perdurer the old problems " has one announces at the department of policy exterieure.