3 000 PARACHUTISTS WOULD BE DEPECHES WITH THE TADJIKISTAN MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. In spring, the general Staff of the Russian forces armees projects to send to Tadjikistan 3 000 parachutists in order to avoid has a possible aggression of scale that the talibans can launch against the Community countries centrasiatic of the States independants. The situation in the area can worsen at the end of April May at the beginning of following a possible aggression of Islamic terrorists since the Afghan territory against Tadjikistan and then Ouzbekistan, has advertisement Monday has representant RIA high " Novosti " one places Staff. The departure of the parachutists for the Central Asia " is prevu by an emergency plan " and it is entirely in conformity with the common action plan against terrorism and other demonstrations of extremism adopts the last ete by the Council of the heads of State of the Community of the States independants, A underlines representant it general Staff. Question by RIA " Novosti ", the commander of the Troops aeroportees Gueorgui Chpak A confirms that the parachutists " preparent themselves for a long time " has a possible departure for Tadjikistan. In 1999 and 2000, detachments of Islamic extremists had already attacks the States centrasiatic. Defaits and push back, they currently hide in the provinces north of Afghanistan.