A REPRESENTANT PALESTINIAN CONDEMNS THE EXPLOSION WHICH A TAKE PLACE A NATANYA DAMAS, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Krasnov). Bassam Abu Sherif, adviser of the president of Autorite Palestinian main road Yasser Arafat, A condemns the terrorist act which took place has Natanya. " We are against and we as well condemn all the attacks against the civil ones on behalf of the Palestinians as on behalf of the armee israelienne and of the colonists israeliens ", has it declares. The responsibility for these bloody actions falls on the government of Israel which employs the force against all the Palestinian people, A underlines the Palestinian personality. Bassam Abu Sherif considers it necessary to take again the negotiations of peace palestino-israeliennes for " the suspension of the occupation israelienne and the application of the Council Resolution of security of UNO on the withdrawal of the troops israeliennes of the Palestinian territories occupy. That will ensure peace, the security and stability in the area ", has it indicates.