MACEDOINE SE PROPOSES TO PUT FINE A THE VIOLENCE ON BEHALF OF THE ALBANIAN TERRORISTS VIENNA, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Borislav Petchnikov /. Already in the hours which come, in common with the multinational Force / KFOR /, Macedoine can launch actions well to put fine A the violence on behalf of the Albanian terrorists has his border with the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. It is what one reads in particular in the declaration of the minister macedonien of the Businesses etrangeres, Srdzan Kerim, document, repandu by the Austrian diplomacy. Following its telephone negotiations with the command of the Alliance of the North Atlantic, Kerim, being, at present, has Skopje, A declares that such actions had ete avalisees by NATO. In addition, pointed out the head of the diplomacy macedonienne, one would undoubtedly not have to dramatize too much the situation bus " Skopje is still far from the war ". At all events, the leaders of Macedoine are in permanent liaison with the secretary-general of Alliance, George Robertson; top representant for the policy exterieure of the European Union (UE), Javier Solana, and the secretary-general of the United Nations, Kofi Annan.