THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR THE EXTRADITION OF MIKHAIL JIVILO TOWARDS RUSSIA WILL BE TRANSMITTED THIS WEEK A FRANCE NOVOSSIBIRSK, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maxime Kochmartchouk). A package of necessary documents for the extradition of the Russian contractor Mikhail Jivilo who has ete arrete in France will be transmitted has the French part in the middle of this week, let know the parquet floor of the area of Novossibirsk. The general Parquet floor of Russia has already prepare the documents confirming the implication of the contractor in a serious crime. They all have ete translated into French. Mikhail Jivilo, head of consortium " MIKOM ", east shows to have organizes the attack against Aman Touleiev when this one was a governor of the area of Kemerovo. Jivilo was the object of an international opinion of search since the last autumn. February 22, it has ete arrete has Paris has the request for Interpol. In this moment, the contractor is in the prison " Health " of Paris. The decision on its handing-over with the Russian legal bodies will be made by the French court.