RUSSIA AND POLAND COOPERENT IN THE SPHERE OF FINANCIAL CONTROL MOSCOW, March 5. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Olga CHTCHERBATCHEVA /. the head of the Room of the accounts of Russia Serguei Stepachine and the president of the higher Room of control of Poland Janosz Wojciechowski have sign a cooperation agreement between their two administrations. Serguei Stepachine A explains later to the journalists than the agreement prevoyait experience sharing in the sphere of the improvement of the control methods financial and the installation of a system of vocational training and improvement of the frameworks of the two administrations. According to Serguei Stepachine, the two parts are agreed to proceed has a common checking in the area of Kaliningrad (Russian enclave debouchant on the Baltic) in the premiere moitie of 2001. The head of the Room of accounts A expresses the hope which this checking will interessera the president and the government of Russia. With his opinion, the Polish partner is pret provided the necessary files has the Russian Room. " the customs border and control have the customs in the area of Kaliningrad must bring back incomes to the national tresor ", A declares Serguei Stepachine.