THE LEADER OF FRACTION PROGOUVERNEMENTALE " EDINSTVO " EVOKES THE POSSIBILITY OF A DISSOLUTION OF THE PARLIAMENT MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Gouliakovski). The fraction progouvernementale " Edinstvo " considers various scenarios concerning the evolution of the events at the Parliament, including a possible dissolution of Douma (Lower House of the Parliament). It is what the leader of the fraction " Edinstvo " Boris Gryzlov A declares in an interview accordee has RIA " Novosti ". It A stresses that its fraction did not fear a dissolution of Douma. Boris Gryzlov A explains that if legislatives elections anticipees took place now, the party " Edinstvo " would collect a greater number of votes than at the time of the poll precedent and its positions would be renforcees of as much has the Lower House of the Russian Parliament. According to remarks' of Boris Gryzlov, it is Tuesday on March 6 which the fraction " Edinstvo " will decidera if she will vote or not the motion of censure against the government deposee by the communist deputes. The leader of the fraction " Edinstvo " A stresses that, according to him, the Communist Party does not hold absolutely account of the state of affairs reel and could lose a significant number of sieges in the Douma news. In same time, the member of Parliament has releve that the Lower House had works during a whole year in a constructive way and that its fraction had reussi has materialiser all the necessary decisions.