SOLDIERS DEMENTENT THE VERSION ACCORDING TO WHICH SUBMARINE " KOURSK " WOULD HAVE ETE TOUCHES ACCIDENTALLY BY A CRUISE MISSILE MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov). The command of the Russian Fleet of north has refute categoriquement information according to which the submarine nucleaire " Koursk " would have ete touches accidentally by a cruise missile draws by the Russian cruiser " Pierre the Large one ". This version has ete avancee by a Russian admiral, having required anonymity, in an interview accordee with the newspaper " Sunday times ". The commander-assistant of the Russian Fleet of North, the vice-admiral Vladimir Dobroskotchenko A indicates has RIA " Novosti " that " these statements made by an anonymous military person in charge are completely absurd. It is quite simply impossible that such a thing occurred ". Like Vladimir Dobroskotchenko pointed out, these " wild imaginings translate the total incompetence of people who repandent them ". " These people absolutely do not have any notion in the way with which the exercises are organize and held has the scale of the fleet with real shootings ", pointed out the commander-assistant of the Russian Fleet of North. Of his dimension, the assistant, captain Igor Dygalo of the commander as a head of the Russian Navy of war, A declares has RIA " Novosti " that information publiees in the " Sunday times " was a " pure provocation aiming has to sow a new wave of noises, fallacious assumptions and assumptions erronees about the accident to the submarine nucleaire " Koursk ". With its opinion, the command of the Russian Navy of war " never has comments on and will never comment on military declarations of heads refusing of decliner them identite, just like those of the naval experts and other anonymous sources ".