THE ELECTIONS AT PLAIN PARLIAMENT RUSSIE-BIELORUSSIE COULD TAKE PLACE AS OF THE THIS YEAR MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Pozdniakova). The president of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament) Guennadi Selezniev does not exclude that the elections at the plain Parliament Russia-Bielorussie can take place by the end of the current year. It is what it A declares has the 14-3rd session of the Council of the Russians from abroad close Douma, whose form to part of the delegues Russian diasporas in the countries of the CEI (the Community of the States independants formee by old Soviet republics) and the republics Baltic (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia). Guennadi Selezniev has rappele that the law on the elections at the plain Parliament did not have yet ete not adopted definitively by Douma and that it had ete examinee only in premiere reading. For the president of the Lower House, the amendments has this text in second reading " must be debattus with the bielorusse part so as to what the laws of the two States are identical ". Question by a delegue about the prospects for the linked State, Guennadi Selezniev A stresses that " we will not torpedo this idee, the plain State will be born absolutely ".