THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENTS AND MACEDONIEN SE ARE ENTRENUS BY TELEPHONE MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Sunday evening, March 4, Russian president Vladimir Poutine had a telephone talk with his counterpart macedonien Boris Trajkovski. The secretary has the press of the head of the Russian State Alexei Gromov has advertisement which maintenance had had place on the initiative of the president macedonien. Boris Trajkovski A expresses his deep preoccupation vis-a-vis with the development of the situation on the border with the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. Lately one observes a renewal of activity of the Albanian extremists in this area, activity aiming, according to him, has destabiliser the situation in Macedoine. Boris Trajkovski east decides so that the international community applies complementary efforts in order to empecher a climbing of the tension in Balkans. Of his dimension, Vladimir Poutine A stresses that Russia was preoccupee by the growing activity of the Albanian extremists in the North-West of Mecedoine like in the valley of Presevo, in the south of Serbia, which is accompanied by new victims and threat to cause an explosion. President Poutine A states that Russia took all necessary measurements by the means of UNO and other organizations international for empecher an extension of the conflict and to maintain stability in the Balkan peninsule.