THE CONGERS OF RUSSIANS RESIDANT A FOREIGNER SE WILL HOLD IN THE FIRST SIX-MONTH PERIOD OF THIS YEAR MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Maria Pozdniakova). The congers of the Russian compatriots residant has the foreigner is prevu for the first six-month period of this year, has advertisement Guennadi Seleznev, president of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), holds the 14th meeting of the consulting of the compatriots aupres of the douma. This consulting east constitutes delegues Russian communities of the Baltic States and CEI (the Community of the States Independants). The defense of our compatriots residant has the foreigner " requires the conjugation of the efforts of all the branches of the capacity ", A underlines Guennadi Seleznev. It is necessary, initially, of creer " a legal base for the defense of the compatriots residant has the foreigner ", has it says. Seleznev is certain that the government must " use the economic instruments more vigorously has the regard of the Baltic States " " to preserve the cultural originalite and main road of the communities russophones of these countries ". " Our compatriots melt a great hope on the Russian leaders, they await a support moral, financial and political ", said Seleznev. According to him, Russia must " give a support financial and economic in the Russian centers in the Baltic States and those of the CEI, it must finance the periodiques ones appearing in Russian ". Seleznev estimates that " the discrimination of the Russian language became the most painful problem of our compatriots residant has the foreigner ". In many Community countries, " the prestige of the Russian language and culture drop, the schools and the educational establishments superior or one can receive a Russian formation close themselves ". In addition, there is, in space postsovietic, " of the positive examples of conservation of the Russian language ". It is about Bielorussie or " a Russian million and half are not a Russian community, but are citizens has share entiere country ". In Bielorussie, there are newspapers and reviews appearing in Russian, like 4 Russian chains of television, A underlines Seleznev.