THE MACEDOINE REQUIRES THE URGENT MEETING OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF UNO BELGRADE, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Riabikine). Macedoine A requires the urgent convocation of the Security Council of UNO because of the abrupt aggravation of the situation has the border of this country with the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. In a message addresses to the Secretary-general UNO Kofi Annan, the Foreign Minister of Macedoine Srdjan Kerim underlines the necessite to work out a plan and preventives measurements aiming has to put fine A violence. Macedoine considers it necessary to establish a zone of security to the special mode has its border with Kosovo, underlines the document. The head of the diplomacy macedonienne A declares that it could arrive has New York to take part holds the meeting of the Security Council on this subject. The autorites macedoniennes have address of the messages similar to the Secretary-general of NATO George Robertson, with representant of the European Union for the policy exterieure and the security Javier Solana, with the coordinator of the Pact of stability for Europe of South-east Bodo Hombach, as well as with the Foreign Minister of Greece Georgeos Papandreou. According to information publiee has Skopje, following the visit effectuee Sunday in the capital macedonienne by general Italian Carl Cabigiosu, controlling multinational force of peace in Kosovo (KFOR), and of its talks with the president of the country Boris Trajkovski, the parts intended themselves to launch a " common action of the armee macedonienne and KFOR ". The details of this agreement are still unknown. The Minister for the Defense of Macedoine Ljuben Paunovski A also declares with the journalists that the direction of the country could make the decision of launching an operation armee for liberer the North of Macedoine retained since more than two weeks by the Albanian extremists. This eventualite can become reality, because the decision on the " partial mobilization " of the police officers put in reserve has ete taken has Skopje and in other macedoniennes cities litteralement a few hours after the death of three soldiers macedoniens kill Saturday by the Albanian terorrists.