THE LAWSUIT OF THE TERRORISTS TAKEN AGAIN WITH THE DAGHESTAN MAKHATCHKALA, March 5. (Corr.RIA " Novosti " Dekabr Beiboutov). The Supreme Court daghestanaise will take again Tuesday the lawsuit of the terrorists who had fact explodes, September 4, 1999, a residential building has Bouinaksk. This lawsuit whose file includes/understands 40 volumes and who lasts here more than three months will be taken again by the deliberations between the public prosecutor and lawyers. 58 people had finds death in the explosion has Bouinaksk. The court has reussi has to prove against all the heads of charge six prevenus. The prosecutor Rachidkhan Magomedov, public prosecutor A requires to condemn two of them, Issa Zainoutdinov and Alisoultan Salikhov, has the capital punishment. For the three others prevenus: Zainoutdine Zainoutdinov (wire of Issa Zainoutdinov), Magomed Magomedov and Makhatch Abdoussamedov prosecutor A requires a judgment is 20 years old of detention in a colony of rigorous mode, the sixieme prevenu, Abdoulkadyr Abdoulkadyrov, having to be condemns is 25 years old of detention in a colony of rigorous mode.