THE ENERGETICIENS OF THE PRIMORIE FORECAST AN AGGRAVATION OF THE CRISIS IN THE BRANCH VLADIVOSTOK, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Larissa Beloivan). The Russian company " Dalenergo " (it has as a function to supply the Russian Extreme-East in electricity) has prevenu that for the next season of heating one had to expect has an energy crisis even more serious than that of this year. It A publishes one communicates in which it releve which this crisis could not be evitee if the tariffs of electricity are not releves conformement with calculations of the company " Dalenergo ". According to energeticians, it is the regional energy Commission (REK) which is responsible for the situation compliquee in which is the complex combustibles/energie territory. It was learned that the REK had pushes back the request for " Dalenergo " concerning the raising of the tariffs of electricity and decide to maintain these tariffs inchanges at least until May of this year. " By forecasting the objective expenditure of the energeticians, the REK guarantees for winter 2002 a new energy crisis, perhaps even major than the derniere ", is it says in one communicates of press of the limited company " Dalenergo ". It is notorious that serious disturbances had ete observees at the time of the season of heating in the provisioning of electric power of the Russian Extreme-East. Cities and localites of Primorie had ete privees of current of 12 A 14 hours per day.