A DELEGATION OF THE PARLIAMENTARY PARLIAMENT OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE WAITED THE KAZAKHSTAN PARIS, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Leonide Kokovitch). A delegation of the parliamentary Parliament of the Council of Europe (APCE) is awaited Kazakhstan on March 5-7 for a visit of work which will be deroulera in the context of the drafting by the commission on the political questions of the APCE of an official report/ratio following the request of Kazakhstan to grant the statute of official observer to him has the APCE and the Council of Europe. The delegation led by the Polish member of Parliament T Iwinski will visit Alma-cAta and Astana. She must have meetings and negotiations with the presidents of the Upper Houses and low of the Parliament kazakh, with the Minister for the Justice of Kazakhstan and the leaders of various political parties. The request of Kazakhstan to grant the statute of official observer to him has the APCE and with the Council of Europe had ete transmitted by Kazakhstan in January 1999 has the direction of the EC has Strasbourg.