REPRESENTANTS OF RUSSIA AND JAPAN HAVE EXAMINES QUESTIONS RELATED WITH THE NEXT SUMMIT TOKYO, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viatcheslav Bantine). The consultations Russo-Japanese women which were held has Tokyo on the level of the vice-ministers for the Businesses etrangeres have gate, inter alia, on questions related with the context in which the joint declaration sovieto-Japanese woman of 1956 can be abordee at the time of the bipartite node prevu for March 25 has Irkoutsk (Siberie Eastern). It is what the Russian vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Alexandre Lossioukov, A declares has RIA " Novosti ". In the joint declaration of 1956, Moscow had, in the capacity as gesture of goodwill, declares that it was lays out has to transmit has Tokyo two of the four islands of Kouriles of the South after the signature of the Draft of peace. Thereafter, Japan had refuses to sign this draft has these conditions and reclame the four islands. Alexandre Lossioukov has advertisement that during consultations the parts were " penchees on the questions which could be debattues at the top as on the diagram of the behaviour of the meeting of the leaders of the two countries ". " the Japanese part leaves owing to the fact that this meeting will take place and that it is appropriate of the preparer with serieux, A declares the vice-minister. We agree with this approach ", has releve Alexandre Lossioukov.