PRIME MINISTER ISRAELIEN PRESENTERA SOON HIS GOVERNMENT A THE KNESSET TEL-CAviv, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti Andrei Pravov). The new Prime Minister israelien, Ariel Sharon, could of Wednesday present has Knesset the government of national union in his definitive version. Sunday an agreement intervened between the working groups of the Likoud gathering and the party religious Shas (association sefarade of the guards of the Torah). According to the document, Shas will detiendra in the government five wallets, of which that of the Interior which was reclame by the " Russian " party " Israel Ba-alia " of Natan Chtcharanski. It is the leader of Shas, Eliyahu Ishai, which will be the new Minister of Interior Department and Deputy Prime Minister. This formation will also detiendra the post of Ministers for Labour and Social security, Religion, the Health and Businesses of Jerusalem. At the time present, " Israel Ba-alia " sees itself proposing the ministry for Absorption. One is unaware of if Natan Chtcharanski will accept or not this proposal. Until A present it reclamait the morocco of the Interior, as that had ete the case in the government of Ehud Barak, than it had free in ete last as a sign of solidarity with the forces of right-hand side which were then rassemblees around Ariel Sharon. However, of many observers estimate that Chtcharanski will accept the post of Minister for Absorbtion, though with squeakings of teeth, being gives that it has advertisement Sunday that considering the continuation of the terrorist acts it was necessary of accelerer the formation of gouvernemuent of national union. At all events, it is when same a significant blow which has ete carries to the project of Natan Chtcharanski to control this significant ministry, which allows the people having contracts a mixed marriage to come to settle definitively in Israel. With regard to Avigdor Liberman, the leader of the other " Russian " party " Our house Israel ", it is probable that it will accept the post of Minister for the national Infrastructure.