CONSULTATIONS A TOKYO ENTERS THE REPRESENTANTS OF THE MINISTRIES RUSSIAN AND JAPANESE OF BUSINESSES ETRANGERES TOKYO, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viatcheslav Bantine). The consultations of the vice-ministers Russian and Japanese for the Businesses etrangeres concerning the preparation of a node Russo-Japanese which will have to take place on March 25 has Irkoutsk have starts today has Tokyo. The accent has these consultations will be gate on the contents of communicates joint which will have to be adopts has the exit of the node has Irkoutsk by Russian president Vladimir Poutine and Japanese the Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori. Japan is represente has these consultations by the vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres Riodzo Kato, Russia by the vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres Alexandre Lossioukov. According to informees sources, the approach of the joint Declaration sovieto-Japanese woman of 1956 will be in the center of attention has these consultations. In this document, Moscow had expresses, as a sign of goodwill, its intention to restore in Japan, after the signature of the draft of peace bilateral, the islands of Chikotan and Khabomai forming part of Kouriles of the South. Japan insists as of the end of the Second world war on the handing-over of these islands has its jurisdiction. However, later, always in 1956, Tokyo had refuses to sign treats it peace has these conditions, requiring the restitution in Japan of all the four islands of Kouriles of the South. Tokyo estimates now that the problem of Chikotan and Khabomai is " resolu " because their restitution appears in the joint Declaration and that it would now be necessary to speak about making in Japan of the two other islands of Kouriles of the South: Chikotan and Itouroup. Moscow considere that this approach is not fondee bus Tokyo had gives up itself has these two islands. Russia estimates that in 45 years after the signature by the two parts of the joint declaration, Moscow and Tokyo should examine in the detail the way of interpreter this document in the current context.