A FEDERAL MEETING OF THE GROUP " ASSEMBLED OF THE FEDERATION OF RUSSIA - PARLIAMENTARY PARLIAMENT OF NATO " WILL TAKE PLACE A BRUSSELS MOSCOW, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The siege of NATO has Brussels will accomodate, March 5-6, a federal meeting of the working group bilateral " Assembled of the Federation of Russia - Parliament parliamentary of NATO ". It is the premiere meeting of the working group after the cooling of the relationship between Russia and NATO following the bombardments of Yugoslavia by NATO. The delegation of deputes of Douma of State, Lower House of the Russian Parliament is led by her premiere vice-presidente Lioubov Sliska. Before its voyage has Brussels, the head of the delegation of Douma of State, Lioubov Sliska, A declares with the journalists that " it will be a significant meeting having to arrive has concrete results. The Russian members of Parliament intend to initially develop the political aspect of the relationship between Russia and NATO ". The theme of widening of NATO towards the East will undoubtedly be souleve. " We will carry has the knowledge of the members of Parliament of the Member States of NATO the position of principle of Russia face has this problem, being gives that its return of Moscow the Secretary-general of NATO George Robertson A declares that Russia was pret has to make concessions what appears too optimistic to me ", has it underlines. Lioubov Sliska A also declares that has their meetings with the siege UNO the Russian members of Parliament were to advance certain proposals aiming has to develop the co-operation of Russia with NATO. " Russia will be able to propose has NATO a co-operation not completely ordinary ", A underlines Lioubov Sliska. Alexandre Gourov, the president of the parliamentary group has security A declares has his turn that it intended to propose has his colleagues of NATO a co-operation in the fight against the smuggling of drugs and weapons coming from Central Asia in Europe via Afghanistan the Caucasus Bosnia. " If the Islamic extremists reinforce their positions in these areas, the flow of weapons and drugs, as well as the extension of terrorism towards Europe will be growing ", it emphasized.