A MEETING A BERLIN OF PUBLIC FORUM RUSSO-ALLEMAND BERLIN, March 5. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Gouliakovski). The premiere meeting of the Steering Committee of the public Forum Russo-German took place Sunday has Berlin. This public organization has ete creee has the initiative of Russian president Vladimir Poutine and the German chancellor Gerhard SchrOder. Russian Boris Gryzlov responsible for the forum and president of the parliamentary group " Unit " which assists has Berlin holds organisational meeting A declares that " this forum prevoit the participation of the opinion of the two countries has the political life, economic, cultural, scientific, has the formation of specialists and also with the discussions around the problems of the Russian and German mediae. He A stresses that such contacts " will enable us to better know each other, to raise the problems which exist in the two countries and of suggerer of the solutions to the executif capacity which would make it possible to improve the Russo-German ratios ". The forum Russo-German is appele " the Dialogue of Saint-Petersbourg " because its premiere meeting has which will take share Vladimir Poutine and Gerhard SchrOder will take place during the next meeting, April, of the leaders Russian and German A Saint-Petersbourg. The next meeting of the " Dialogue of Saint-Petersbourg " will have to be held in April 2002 has Weimar, in Germany.