THE PARLIAMENTARY PARLIAMENT OF UNION RUSSIE-BELORUS IS REUNIE IN SA 17-EME SESSION MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Galina Filippova /. Guennadi Seleznev, president of the parliamentary Parliament of the Russia-Belorus Union and Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), opened the 17-3rd ordinary session of the parliamentary Parliament. Parliamentary session A starts its work, Friday, in the afternoon, with the siege of the Lower House of the Russian Parliament. Like pointed out Seleznev, the known as session will concentrate, primarily, on the examination, in second reading, of the budget of the Union for 2001. In the name of the deputes of the Parliament members of Parliament, Seleznev has felicite the members of Parliament of Moldavie has the occasion of recent legislatives. It them A wishes full successes, while esperant that the members of Parliament moldaves will not delay has to join has the parliamentary Parliament of the Russia-Belorus Union. By way of observers, members of Parliament of Armenie and the Ukraine, as well as representants of certain ONG of Russia and Bielorussie assist has the presente session, A announces Guennadi Seleznev, president of the parliamentary Parliament of the Russia-Belorus Union and Douma of the Federation of Russia.