THE BUDDHISTS OF MOSCOW ARE UNWORTHY BY THE ACTIONS OF THE AFGHAN TALIBAN MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Ekaterina Antipova /. the Buddhists of Moscow are unworthy by the actions of the Afghan taliban, A declares with the correspondent of RIA " Novosti " the presidente of the Buddhist communities of Moscow, Dalma Chagdarova. It is in these terms that it comments on the recent decision of the taliban of detruire the old statues of Buddha. " Of the single monuments in their kind are thus detruits and it will be impossible to reconstitute them. Any Buddhist, once at the current of similar a sacrilege, feels his heart to gemir ", said Mrs. Chagdarova. According to it, the taliban are " turned sour and badly educated people who do not respect the other religions ".