THE COURT OF NEW YORK WILL CONTINUE ON NEXT 9 MARCH ITS AUDIENCES ON THE FILE OF PAVEL BORODINE New York, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Court of New York will continue on next 9 March its audiences on the Borodine file. It will act, this time, of its possible release in bond. RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee by principal lawyer of Borodine - Barry Kingham. Pavel Borodine, secretary executif of the Russia-Belorus Union, had ete arrete, last January, has New York, on requete Swiss Parquet floor which shows it in particular financial machinations. " We will esperons well the favorable exit of the next audience, taking into account the new significant documents that defense subjected has justice ", A declares lawyer. Among the known as documents, lawyer A quotes the messages, addresses by the Prime Minister for the Federation of Russia, Mikhail Kassianov, and the President of Bielorussie, Alexandre Loukachenko, has the Court of New York, documents, which insist on an immediate return of Pavel Borodine in Russia. The head of the Russian government announces, in substance, in his letter, that on next 17 March, the Council of State superior of the Russia-Belorus Union must be reunir, whereas the absence of Borodine " has already seriously disturbs all the preparation of this major forum ". For its part, the President of Bielorussie stresses that " Pavel Borodine plays a role-key in the organization of daily work within the Union ", and that following its arrest, " the same activity of the Standing Committee of the Union is trouvee seriously dereglee ". According to lawyer, these documents temoignent many " extraordinary circumstances which reclament release of Borodine in bond ".