NEW PROPOSALS ON THE KARABAKH IN PREPARATION BAKOU, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Guerai Dadachev /. Soon, of new proposals of the Group of Minsk of the Organization for the security and the co-operation in Europe for the payment of the conflict of Haut-Karabakh will be pretes. As A announces the president in exercise of the SOEC and Rumanian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres, Mircea Gioane, at the time of its meeting has Bakou with the representants parties of opposition of Azerbaidjan, these proposals " will differeront the old ones considerably " and will be " more promising ". Haut-Karabakh is an area peuplee of Armeniens locates has the border azeri-armenienne. Mircea Gioane said " preoccupe " by the " quarrelsome tendencies " in Azerbaidjan. According to him, the world opinion does not support the military solution of the conflict of Haut-Karabakh. It A invites Azerbaidjanais has " to show patience ". The representants of the parties of opposition have qualifies "injustes and steriles " the activities of the Group of Minsk of the SOEC institutes 8 years ago.