GREECE AND CYPRUS AFFIRM THAT SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC A NOT MONEY DEPOSE IN THEIR BANKS BELGRADE, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Serguei RIABIKINE /. the spokesman of the Greek ministry of the Businesses etrangeres A opposes a formal dementi to the assertions pretendant that the former president of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic would have place in Greece the money which would have brings back to him the sale of 173 kg gold in Switzerland. According to the Greek diplomat, the checking has watch which this " information is denuee of base ". A similar declaration has ete made by the government of the Republic of Cyprus. Its representant, Mikhalis Papapetrou, A stress that the Cypriot autorites had made several checks which did not have brings any confirmation has this information. However, has Zurich, have continues has to clear up the circumstances in which 173 kg of gold have ete introduced in Switzerland of Yugoslavia the last autumn by the care of a local company. The entree of gold in Switzerland has ete confirmee by the customs officers. As A declares the spokesman of the Swiss ministry of the Economy, there is for the moment no proof establishing that Milosevic has depose has his account produces it sale of this gold.