THE EX-DIRECTEUR OF FSB NIKOLAI KOVALEV ESTIMATES THAT IN THE BUSINESS OF ROBERT HANSSEN, ACCUSES OF ESPIONAGE ON BEHALF OF RUSSIA, " IT THERE A MORE POLICY THAT OF GOOD SENS " MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Today, the Russian special services and americains are rather partners that adversaries, A affirms at the time of a press conference Friday the former director of the federal Service of security Nikolai Kovalev, today depute has Douma of State. According to him, the scandals dregs with the businesses of espionage bursting periodiquement on both sides do not empechent Russia and the United States to carry out a common fight against terrorism, the corruption and the Maffia of drug. The former head of the FSB also estimates that in the case of Robert Hanssen, arrete in the United States under inculpation of espionage on behalf of Russia, " there is more policy that of common sense ". " I do not believe that Americains provided the arguments enough convainquants in favour of the assumption that Mr. Hanssen has ete a Russian agent ", said Nikolai Kovalev.