THE CO-OPERATION WITH THE KAZAKHSTAN INTERESTS THE UNITED STATES HIGHLY ASTANA, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Revmira VOCHTCHENKO /. the president of the United States let know its keen interest has to continue the co-operation in the production and the transport of hydrocarbons of Kazakhstan, in particular has to take part in the Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan project. George Bush A declares in his message addresses has Noursoultan Nazarbaiev in which it thanks it for the congratulations has the occasion of his victory to the presidentielles elections. George Bush underlines, according to the service of press of the president kazakhstanais, that " in their co-operation bilaterale our two countries can find the means of ensuring peace, stability and prosperity in Central Asia. The United States firmly remains fasteners has independence, has the souverainete and has the territorial integrite of Kazakhstan ". The said message, inter alia, that the United States highly apprecient the efforts produced jointly to face the threats of terrorism, with the traffic of stupefiants and has the proliferation of the weapons of massive destruction in the area. George Bush A expresses his support for the transformations in progress in Kazakhstan and A qualifies promising co-operation of the United States and Kazakhstan.