CONSTANT NOURSOULTAN NAZARBAIEV A THE PARTICIPATION OF THE KAZAKHSTAN IN THE PROJECT OF OLEODUC " BAKOU-CEYHAN " ASTANA, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Revmira VOCHTCHENKO /. Noursoultan Nazarbaiev supported the project of transport of Caspian oil by the oleoduc " Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan ". The president of Kazakhstan A states Friday has a point of press devotes to the results of his meeting with the special deleguee of the Elizabeth Jones, americain president and Secretary of State for the energy of the Caspian area, and ambassador of the United States in Kazakhstan, Richard Johns. Their maintenance had gives place has an exchange of views on the problems of the transport of hydrocarbons produced in the area of the Caspian Sea. According to Elizabeth Jones, Nazarbaiev A ensures that " the first oil kazakhstanais returned by the Kachagan layer, on the continental shelf, will be channels by the pipeline " Aktaou-Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan " which must be brought into service into 2004 or 2005 ", time which coincide with the beginning of the production of oil has Kachagan. Nazarbaiev A underlines, according to Elizabeth Jones, that the government kazakhstanais would put itself without delaying with work to arrive has an agreement on the co-operation in the project " Bakou-Ceyhan ". As the line will have to cross the territory of Tchetchenie, the problem of the security remains of actualite. Also, the government of the United States has it engages of the negotiations with all the countries taking part in the project " to ensure the safety on all traces it pipeline ". Elizabeth Jones estimates that " the beginning of the operation of the Caspian Group on the itineraire Tenghiz-Novorossiisk will be a great victory for Kazakhstan, Russia and the United States ". But for Kazakhstan, Azerbaidjan and Turkey it is very significant, has its opinion, to have an additional line to be able to transport the immense oil reserves. It is necessary of determiner which itineraire is appropriate best, has it adds. The United States and the companies which will finance the project will be able only to greet the participation of the Russian company " Lukoil " and other partners has this project, has additions the special deleguee of the president of the United States.