GOVERNMENT SE PREPARE WITH BELIEVED OF SPRING MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Russian government works out destinees measurements has to the minimum to reduce the possible damage due to believed of spring, misant especially on preventives measurements, A declares the Minister for the emergency Situations Serguei Choigou, holds a meeting of the persons in charge of the regionaux centers of the ministry consacree has the preparation of average the techniques to the great risings of spring. The financial funds will be especially necessary to remove the embacles in the large rivers of Siberie or the thickness of the ices reaches two meters. In addition, the snow-drifts which are formees in the majorite Russian areas and of which the thickness depasse the normal of 1,5 A 2 times will cause they also significant difficulties, according to him. Stocks of explosives are in the process of constitution, A still announces Serguei Choigou. According to him, jointly with the Department of the Environment and the Committee of State to technical Control, the representants of its administration verifient the state of the water-supply engineering installations, the dams and the most significant water tanks.