HUNGARY INTERESSEE A CO-OPERATION TECHNICO-MILITAIRE WITH RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Ivachtchenko /. Hungary is interessee has the co-operation technico-soldier with Russia, A declares Friday its Minister for the Economy, GyOrgy Matolcsy, at the end of work of the Joint Committee for the co-operation economic, commercial and technological which is deroules has Moscow. The problems of the co-operation technico-soldier between the two countries have ete approach Friday during the meeting of the commission, of same which has the meeting of the group on the co-operation technico-soldier institutes within the framework of this same commission. Moscow proposes has Budapest to modernize the materiel war of sovietic manufacture and Russian which equips the Hungarian armee. Today, Russian part A proposes to the Hungarians to modernize the Mig-29 planes. The next week, has advertisement GyOrgy Matolcsy, this proposal will be portee has the knowledge of the head of the government of the country. It is possible that Hungary can make soon concrete decisions in the matter, A still indicates the Hungarian Minister for the Economy.