THE HEAD OF RUSSIAN AGENCY AEROSPATIALE AGAINST A SHOW PROJETE BY A COMPANY AMERICAINE IN THE ZONE OR WILL BE DETRUIT " MIR " MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Edouard Pouzyrev /. the head of the Agency aeospatiale of Russia Iouri Koptev is against the show which projects to organize a company americaine in the zone or will be noyes the debris of the Russian orbiting station " Mir ". According to the newspaper americain News Day, certain Bob Sitron, founder of the company of space tourism Space Hab, projects to organize a flight charter towards the zone or will have to fall down the debris of the orbiting station. For its 120 passengers, it promises a " unforgettable spectacle " has the altitude of 10 000 meters: the entree of the machine in the high layers of the atmosphere, its combustion and its dislocation in fragments with their fall in water of the Pacific ". According to certain mediae, representants of NASA and cosmonauts Russian have ete invite has to take part has this flight for which each ordinary passenger will owe debourser 6 500 dollars. " Unfortunately, there are not yet legal documents prohibiting such " displacements " around such a bulky space object at the end of the activity ", said Iouri Koptev. " But I would like to prevenir the passenger of this flight which they will expose has a significant risk, because, has dimension of large fragments of the station, there will be also less thousands of debris of dimensions ", has it says. The head of Russian Agency aerospatiale recommends has the plane " not to make his appearance in this zone ".