DIFFICULT NEGOTIATIONS GEORGIE-RUSSIE ON MILITARY CO-OPERATION SE CONTINUE TBILISSI, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " David IMEDACHVILI /. the sixieme round of the negotiations between Georgie and Russia on the military co-operation and the meeting of the experts which will precedera it will take place after March 20 has Moscow. Such is the agreement occurred during the meeting of the groups of experts of the ministries for the Businesses etrangeres and of the Defense of the two countries which have works has Moscow February the 27 and 28, announces the ministry georgien Businesses etrangeres. The Russian part has presente a new project of calendar, corrects has the request for Georgie, withdrawal of its military bases of Vaziani and Gougaouta. The experts are also tombs of agreement on the evacuation of the aerodrome of Vaziani (close to Tbilissi) and on the technical aspects of its use. The agreement of the experts will be specifiee to the official report of the 6th roud negotiations on the military co-operation between the two countries. In same time, the parts did not arrive has to bring closer their positions as for the withdrawal to the Russian warehouses of genie of Sagaredjo (Is of Georgie). The experts of the two countries do not have reussi either has to agree on the dates of the dismantling and the withdrawal of the bases of Akhalkalaki and Batoumi. It has ete decide to reconsider this question holds the next meeting of the experts and during the 6th round of the negotiations has Moscow.