THE BULGARIAN PRESIDENT IS PRET TO ACCOMODATE MILITARY BASES OF NATO SOFIA, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Youri Kovalenko). Bulgarian president Piotr Stoianov does not exclude the conclusion from an agreement with NATO on the military bases and the transit of the troops of alliance by the territory of his country. If the memorandum on this subject is definitively concerts by the parts, that can take place the next week, during the visit of Stoianov has Brussels. According to observers', Bulgaria will be the first country-candidate has NATO with which alliance will sign such an agreement. Sofia has already sign with the alliance of the North Atlantic a draft under the terms of which the troops of NATO which take part in the operations of peace of the KFOR on the territory of the ex-Yogoslavie cross the territory of Bulgaria freely and can be there temporarily.