MIKHAIL GORBATCHEV RECOIT OF MANY CONGRATULATIONS A THE OCCASION OF ITS 70-EME ANNIVERSARY MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Mikhail Gorbatchev recoit of many congratulations the day of sound 70eme anniversary. The first president of the USSR accomodates visitors with the siege of the foundation which bears its name. Polish ex-president, general Wojciech Jaruzelski, in particular came the feliciter has the occasion of sound jubile. Telegrams of the political, public and cultural personalities arrive from Russia and abroad. Boris Eltsine A wishes has Mikhail Gorbatchev " a good health, happiness and successes " in a letter adressee with the president of the USSR. The federal chancellor German Gerhard SchrOder, the president ukrainien Leonid Koutchma, the president kirghiz Askar Akaiev, the president turkmene Saparmourad Niyazov and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russies Alexis II have envoye telegrams of congratulations has Mikhail Gorbatchev. Margaret Thatcher was to also send to him in message. Friday evening, the fete will continue has the hotel " Large Mariott " or will be presents more than 300 invite. Mikhail Gorbatchev A stresses that it would be happy to see president Vladimir Poutine among his hosts. Friday morning, ex-president sovietic A visits fall it from his wife Raissa Gorbatcheva, enterree with the cemetery of the Novodevitchi convent.