THE WITHDRAWAL PARTIAL OF THE TROOPS OF TCHETCHENIE DOES NOT MEAN THE SUSPENSION OF OPERATIONS ANTITERRORISTES MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The withdrawal partial of the federal troops of the territory of the Republic of Tchetchenie does not mean the suspension of the operations antiterrorists, A declares the secretary of the Security Council Russian Serguei Ivanov after a meeting of the Council in the Kremlin. The reduction of manpower of the Grouping unifies troops chargees of the operation antiterrorists on the territory of the Caucasus of Russian North was the subject of the meeting. " the operations antiterrorists will be not less intensive, but they will be effectuees by other means ", A underlines Serguei Ivanov. According to him, the stress will be laid on the special operations. " the units chargees of search and those which carry out operations armees of neutralization of the criminals will be renforcees ", said Serguei Ivanov.