THE RUSSIAN PART IS PRETE ALSO TO MEET A NEW JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER HANOI, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian part is prete has to meet a new Japanese Prime Minister so well sOer the nippone part is too. It is what the Russian vice-minister for the Businesses etrangeres Alexandre Lossioukov A declares has RIA " Novosti ". In same time the Russian diplomat east refuses has any forecast as for the evolution of the situation in Japan and has the impact which it could have on the behaviour and the date of the meeting at the Russo-Nipponese top prevu has Irkoutsk (Siberie Eastern) for March 25. According to the Japanese press, Yoshiro Mori could announce its demission of the post of Prime Minister at the time of congers of the Party liberal-democrat to the capacity, which will open its work on March 13. The position of Yashiro Mori has ete seriously ebranlee lately by a whole series of resounding scandals, in which members of the party which it directs as of the employes of the ministry for the Businesses etrangeres are imply. In addition, Yashiro Mori is the subject also of a sharp critic to the same centre of the Party liberal-democrat for his remarks sometimes deplaces, relative A the history in particular. The leaders of several Asian countries are already declares unworthy by certain declarations of current the Prime Minister. According to the most recent surveys, the dimension of popularity of Yashiro Mori is in free fall and is at the neighbourhoods of 6 percent, which for a Prime Minister constitutes a fact without precedent since the end of the Second world war.