BRUSSELS A ALREADY ALLOCATES 46 MILLION EUROS FOR THE REALIZATION OF PROJECTS CONCERNING YOUTH MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Ivachtchenko). During the period 1996-1999, European Union (UE) A allocates 46 million euros for the realization in Russia of projects concerning youth. It is what has just announced Richard Wright, head of the representation of the European Commission in Russia. Speaking has Moscow in front of the participants in the Russo-European node of youth, Richard Wright A stresses that these funds had ete allot within the framework of program TACIS and use for the realization of projects in the fields of health, employment and teaching. The director of program TACIS (relations with the New States) Timo Summa also spoke. He has advertisement which several projects them also turn towards youth were has the study and which each one of them will bebeficiera of an active budget of has ten million euros. In the application of the policy concerning youth, it will be taken account of the desideratas of the Russian government, has releve Timo Summa.