A SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT OF THE NATIONAL DEBT IS A THE STUDY IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The design of a system of management of the national debt is about to be completed in Russia, has advertisement the Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Alexei Koudrine, being expressed in front of journalists. According to him, it is prevu to set up a system has multiple levels which could deal with macroeconomic planning for the years has to come, to calculate the " financial decalages budget ", to define the duration of the loans and to proceed to reechelonnement of the debts. This system of management of the national debt will have the role of setting out again regularly the financial expenses on the budgets of several years. The Deputy Prime Minister A also announces that the " Vnechekonombank ", which is the government official as regards debt servicing exterieure, will be transformee in commercial bank and which a public agency of servicing the debt exterieure will be creee on its basis.