IN 2000, THE EXCHANGES BETWEEN THE COUNTRIES OF THE CEI HAVE PROGRESSES OF MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Trade between the Community countries of the States independants (CEI) has progresses the year derniere of more than 25 percent. That resulted in rentrees of currencies in the cases of these countries, evaluees on the whole has more than two billion dollars americains, learned RIA " Novosti " aupres from the executif Committee of the CEI. The Community gathers twelve republics of the old Sovietique Union. According to experts', each point percent of growth of trade in the CEI bring back some 80 million dollars to the budgets of its members. If a free trade area functioned in the space of the Community (for the moment alone its basic legal field is in formation), the growth of the turnover and the receipts would be more elevees. According to figures' provided by the executif Committee, trade within the CEI, or lives 283 million people, is of once and half less significant than in the Organization CEFTA, which gathers seven old European socialist countries adding up 97 million inhabitants.