A PLANE AMERICAIN OF KFOR A ETE ATTACKS IN MACEDOINE BELGRADE, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Riabikine). The Albanian terrorists have attack in Macedoine a reconnaissance aircraft americain forming part of the force of multinational peace in Kosovo (KFOR). As one learned today, the incident took place in the night of Wednesday has Thursday. The plane with two pilots has edge A carries out the leve ground not far from the village macedonien of Tanusevci or act the Albanian separatists. The village east locates close to the border of Kosovo. 400 tracer bullets of machine-guns have ete tirees on this plane. During shootings, the control system of the KFOR has Pristina lost the contact with the plane and has request the assistance of the units of the forces of the Air of Macedoine. The pilots have reussi has to land has their base in Kosovo.