VACLAV HAVEL A APPRECIE THE VISIT OF RUSSIAN MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT IN REPUBLIC TCHEQUE Prague, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Victor Proussakov). The official visit of the delegation of the Council of the Federation of Russia (Upper House of the Parliament) in tcheque Republic which acheve this Friday, is a testimony of the dynamization of the relations between the two countries, A announces tcheque president Vaclav Havel at the time of a meeting with Egor Stroev, president of the Room. According to Ladislav Spachek, attaches of press of the tcheque president, the two men have confirms that the divergence of the opinions on the extention of NATO towards the East did not owe empecher a profitable co-operation between the two countries. Egor Stroev " believes that the tcheque Republic will reconsider the Russian market ", A announces the fastener of press. The Russian part is exprimee prete has to grant facilitate tax significant to the foreign investors, tcheques including, in certain areas.