ALBARO GIL-ROBLES NOTES AMELIORATIONS IN TCHETCHENIE MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the police chief with the humans right of the Council of Europe Alvaro Gil-Robles has regard, in its discussion with the Russian Minister for Justice Iouri Tchaika, that the situation in Tchetchenie is amelioree. The European police chief said himself " satisfied " of the deployee activity in Tchetchenie by the ministry for Justice, according to a spokesman of this administration. The ministry filled its engagements in front of the Council of Europe, in particular " the conditions in the prison has Tchernkozovo are from now on in conformity with the international standards ", A indicates for its part Iouri Tchaika. " That has ete confirms by many Western observers which went there ", A underlines the minister. All the districts tchetchenes have from now on bars, notaries, offices of acts of the marital status; a group of bailiffs has ete form, has additions Iouri Tchaika. For the police chief with the humans right of the Council of Europe, the decisions of president Vladimir Poutine to engage the withdrawal of Tchetchenie of part of the units of armee and to charge the Interior and the Security of State with the general direction of the operation antiterrorist are " convenient and wise ". The re-establishment of the legal system in Tchetchenie merite also, according to him, a positive appreciation. Alvaro Gil-Robles A however draws the attention to the serieux problems outstanding, of which lack of confidence of the population of the republic towards local Justice. Certain files are classes before the end of the instruction, especially those which are dregs with the violations of the humans right.