OPENING CEREMONY OF THE HOUSE OF MOSCOW A TAKE PLACE A SOFIA SOFIA, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Youri Kovalenko). The mayor of Moscow Youri Loujkov which pays a visit in Bulgaria opened Friday, has Sofia, the House of Moscow in the center of the Bulgarian capital. The solemn ceremony took place at once after the signature of the agreement on the exchange of immobilites by the government of Moscow and the town hall of Sofia. Conformement with the document, the building of the school aupres of the embassy of Russia belongs has Moscow. In its turn, the Russian capital transmits has Sofia the building of the Bulgarian arts centre has Moscow. " We are very content with this decision, A declares Youri Loujkov. It is a good base for the intensification of our mutually advantageous relationship with the Bulgarian part ". According to him, the two capitals plan to sign a great bearing contract on the supply of drugs has Moscow and an agreement on the setting in bottles of the Bulgarian wine in the companies of Moscow. Another great project is also pret: supply of engines for automobile factory ZIL of Moscow. Youri Loujkov and the mayor of Sofia Stefan Sofianski also has examines the problems of the co-operation of the municipal services of the public equipment.