GOVERNMENT A NOT YET DEFINI WHICH ALTERNATIVE OF ECONOMIC POLICY IT IS NECESSARY TO APPLY IN RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. In the strategy has medium term of the Russian government for 2002-2004, being developed by the ministry for the economic Development and of the Trade, " there is still much blur ", has advertisement with the journalists his head Guerman Gref. The ministry which it directs " is not yet determine " as for the alternative of economic policy has medium term. So all the existing alternatives will be presentees with the government so that this one chooses the best, A indicates the minister. Guerman Gref A stresses that of the economic policy which will be appliquee in the country will dependront the prospects for the Russian companies and the foreign investors. The economic project of strategy has medium term should be subjected to the government next April.