RUSSIA AND HUNGARY PREPARENT A COOPERATION AGREEMENT TECHNICO-MILITAIRE MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Ivachtchenko). A cooperation agreement technico-soldier can be sign in April between Russia and Hungary. It has ete question of it holds the meeting of the intergovernmental commission of trade co-operation, economic, scientific and technical bilaterale which is held Friday has Moscow. Hungarian part A confirms its interessement has the modernization of the materiel of war of sovietic manufacture and Russian who equips the Hungarian armee. The agreement in the process of preparation must advance the payment of this problem, has advertisement has RIA " Novosti " a Russian participant in the negotiations. Russia has acheve the year derniere the supplies of materiel special A Hungary as a refunding of the debt of the ex-URSS has Hungary. On the whole, Russia A refunds approximately 90 % of the sovietic debt has Hungary.