ALVARO GIL-ROBLES A UNDERLINES THE POSITIVE DYNAMICS OF THE PAYMENT OF THE SITUATION IN TCHETCHENIE MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Galina Filippova). Alvaro Gil-Robles, Police chief with the humans right of the Council of Europe, A underlines the " positive dynamics " of the payment of the situation in Republic of Tchetchenie, has advertisement with the journalists Dmitri Rogozine, president of the international committee of Douma, after his meeting with Gil-Robles. According to the depute, the Russian president will be formless proposals on the payment in Tchetchenie formulees by the Police chief with the humans right of the Council of Europe. Answering has a question of RIA " Novosti ", Dmitri Rogozine A refuses preciser these proposals, while limiting itself has to stress that they are the " serieuses recommendations " which are, has his opinion, " useful from the point of view of the strategy and the tactic of payment of the situation in Tchetchenie ". Opinion of Rogozine, Alvaro Gil-Robles is concentrated on the problems of the payment in Tchetchenie not " to be proposed, like made certain European which went in Tchetchenie ". According to the depute, Robles " adopts a friendly attitude towards Russia, it estimates that Europe owes debarrasser of the conflicts like that of Tchetchenie has the instar payment in Northern Ireland (Great Britain) and in Spain (has the regard of the Basques).