ASSERTIONS MENSONGERES OF A RUSSIAN JOURNALIST SE ARE NOT CONFIRMEES MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The prosecutor of Tchetchenie Vsevolod Tchernov A declares that the information appeared in the press on the existence of a " camp of filtration " on the territory of regiment of parachutists of the troops aeroportees is not confirmees. According to the prosecutor, it has verifie thoroughly, together with Vladimir Kalamanov, representant special of the Russian president for the respect of the rights and freedoms of the man and the citizen in Tchetchenie, and Roudnik Doudaiev, secretary for the public security of the Republic, the information of the journalist of " Novaia gazeta " Anna Politkovskaia on the territory of regiment. Neither the " prison-holes ", nor the " camp of filtration " have ete decouverts, not more than the prisoners who suffered there, according to Politkovskaia. Nevertheless, the control of the respect of the legalite by the federal forces will continue. The Politkovskaia journalist was made the scandalous celebrity by his charges grandiloquentes not argumentees lancees has the address of the federal forces and by publicly qualifying the Russian officers of " pigs ". It works for the tabloid " Novaia gazeta " which is not characterized by the veracite.