CLEAR RECOVERY IN EXCHANGES RUSSO-HONGROIS MOSCOW, March 2. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Ivachtchenko /. During his meeting Friday the commission Russo-Hungarian woman instituee on the level of the governments is prononcee in favour of the development of the co-operation bilaterale in the banking environment, as well as granting of credit commercial to finance and ensure the reciproques deliveries. After a recession provoquee by the Russian financial crisis of 1998, the exchanges between the two countries are again raises some, has one underlines during this meeting. Last year, the trade Russo-Hungarian A increases by 49,4% to be established has 2,97 billion dollars, Russian exports having believed of 56,7% and the imports coming from Hungary of 16,8% compared to 1999. The Members of the Commission have tackles the problem of the adhesion of Moscow has the world Organization of the trade. Hungary forms part of the international Working group charges with this problem.