RUSSIA A POURS TODAY 32,2 MILLION DOLLARS TO COUNTRIES CREDITEURS OF THE CLUB OF PARIS MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Went Issaieva). Russia A pours with the countries crediteurs of the Club of Paris 32,2 million dollars which not constitute part of the capital of the credit restructure. By consequent, all the payments for February have ete carry out within the framework of the refunding of the debts to the club of Paris, has advertisement with the journalists the Deputy Prime Minister and Russian Minister for Finances Alexei Koudrine. On the whole, Russia A pours in February with the club of Paris 1305 million dollars, of which the interest rate and part of the capital of the debt. Moreover, Russia will pay in March with the Club of Paris 50 % of the arrieres for January within the framework of the refunding of the capital of the debt not restructuree.