MOSCOW ESTIMATES THAT IT IS PREMATURE OF CREER A SYSTEM OF ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE COMMON WITH CHINA MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov estimates that it is premature to comment on information on possible creation by Russia and the RPC of a system of anti-missile defense common in the event of resiliation of Draft ABM of 1972 by the United States. The Deputy Prime Minister A underlines while speaking to the journalists: " All measurements of retorsion can be taken only if the United States denoncent indeed this Draft ". " It is insense to frighten in the current situation, it should be proven that these actions disturb balance in the world ", A underlines Klebanov. But it pointed out that China, of same that Russia, decides categoriquement against the resiliation of Draft ABM by the United States.